Linking to the Joy of Tech comic
We're often asked about how to link to our comic, so here is a guide for bloggers, journalists, and everyone else in-between. How do I link to the current comic? How do I link to a particular comic, especially the current Joy of Tech? Is there a preferred way to link to the Joy of Tech comic? On the 'Net today it's really common to see images used without attribution. It's just so easy now to take an image and post it up without thinking. But imagine if you were an artist, and you made your income from the people that came to your website to look at your pictures. Now imagine if someone else published your images in their entirety on their own website. I'm sure you would find that a little frustrating. Sure, we do get some traffic from people seeing a comic and then typing in our URL or googling us, but it is only a tiny, tiny fraction of what a real link will bring us. So we really appreciate it when someone take a few minutes more and links to us in an awesome way. (If you do, let me know and I will often return the favour by posting your link as a "Mighty Link" on our comic's page.) Anything else you want to get off your chest? There, our rant has ended, the guilt trip is now over. :P Can I publish an entire comic on my blog? Can I license the comic for publication on my website? Can I publish a translated version of the Joy of Tech? |
Link to our site by using our amazing self-updating Joy of Tech Thumbnail! That's right folks, this gorgeous little graphical ball of fun will automatically update itself whenever we've uploaded a new cartoon. There's one for The Joy of Tech, and one for our other comic, After Y2K. |
Today's Joy of Tech! |
Both are cool, as they are thumbnails of the current comics. The size and file names of both are always the same, so you can just link to the files on our server and they will update whenever we update the comic! Here's the source code, in case you need it. :-) |
Latest AY2K |
Newer JoTs now feature a Superthumbnail.
The daily Superthumb is here: and newer comics have their own... for instance this one, from comic 1148 (1148superthumb.gif): -------------------------------------------- Joseph Elizondo came up with a neat idea to use the JoT thumbnail in his Forum sig.: "I made a self- updating JoT icon for a signature in a phpbb forum. I will paste the code here for your distribution." Cool! That will also work in our forums. :D plus there's...
Providing a link from your blog, social networking page, homepage or other website can really help support our work. Word-of-web can work wonders, and help Nitrozac and Snaggy keep producing great comic entertainment! If you've linked to Joy of Tech or After Y2K, we want to return the favour! Just let me know and I'll add you to our page of sites that link to us. Other ways you can help: