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Current JoyPoll results for 621 entries:

Has all the Uber bad press made you rethink using Uber?

I have no idea what an Uber is, ... it's probably something you'll just want to walk away from. 130 20%
Yes. I've deleted Uber and will use other services for transportation, ... perhaps a hoverboard? 49 7%
I'm thinking about it, but even though Uber is evil I'll still use it. I don't want to inconvenience myself, ... that's enough to drive me to drink. 15 2%
No. Uber isn't evil, they are just aggressively pursuing the capitalist dream, ... they don't care who they drive over? 41 6%
Me, driving my own wheels, is the most uber experience and I'll never give that up, ... sounds like your wheel is squeaking with delight! 208 33%
To be honest, I would love to read all that dirt about journalists that Uber say it can dig up!, ... I think you've been sniffing fumes! 59 9%
I'm uber-geeking over the joyPoll results. 115 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and baby you can drive my car.

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