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Current JoyPoll results for 757 entries:

If there's two new iPhones, which size would you get?

The big one, ... I still want a UNIVAC. 68 8%
The one that's even bigger, ... but I'd settle for a ENIAC. 50 6%
I'll stick with my old big one, the iPhone 5 size, ... shhhh, my 4S is feeling inadequate. 100 13%
Small is beautiful, I don't need to carry around a TV-sized phone!, ... wait a second, maybe iPhone 6 is the new Apple TV!!!! 190 25%
I'm already there with the big phones... I'm sticking with my Android, ... size is everything? 160 21%
I'm sticking with my abacus!, ... go with fingers, they are even more mobile. 83 10%
I'm pinching the results. 103 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and second screen is the first loser?

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