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Current JoyPoll results for 649 entries:

What's the worst thing Amazon is doing lately?

Instead of the option to pre-order, certain major titles from the Hachette Book Group are listed as "currently unavailable", ... perhaps some of Amazon's customers can be futurely shopping elsewhere. 9 1%
Holding books and authors hostage by delaying shipments and raising prices in order to negotiate higher payments from publishers, ... you can bring that up with the customer disservice department. 97 14%
Suggesting to prospective customers that they buy other cheaper books instead of the Hachette one you are looking at, ... you CAN judge a book retailer by its cover-up. 9 1%
This is all sounding like a Hachette job!, ... I know Jeff would like to bury the Hachette! 37 5%
Hey, Amazon isn't doing anything I wouldn't do if I was an anticompetitive, monopolistic behemoth, run by a ruthless, egotistical, control freak, ... everybody wants to be Thomas Edison! 325 50%
I'm affiliating with the results. 166 25%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and plain brown wrapping.

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