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Current JoyPoll results for 714 entries:

What's your natural habitat?
A cubicle, ... just hang a blanket over your section and you've got yourself a tent for office camping! 58 8%
An office, ... and where do you fit into the ecosystem? 60 8%
A coffee shop, ... and is java your lifeblood? 58 8%
A tropical island, ... how's the Internet access on that? 48 6%
The unemployment line, ... remember, every "no" is one "no" closer to a "yes". 39 5%
There's nothing natural about my habitat, ... are you the one who paved paradise? 373 52%
I'm on a poll watching tour. 78 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the data not liking being watched.
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